News Article

Overview of the packaging regulatory landscape

McKinsey & Company reviews packaging regulations from 30 countries around the globe; finds most focus on the beginning or end of the supply chain; groups countries into four regulatory “archetypes;” report not specific to food packaging but finds beverage packaging a large sector of packaging regulations

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Overview article on microplastics in fish

Mother Jones article investigates the history of microplastic contamination in the oceans, introduces recent scientific findings showing migration of microplastics from fish’s gut into organs and flesh

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FPF overview presentation on reuse and COVID-19

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) presentation provides a look into the ongoing multi-stakeholder debate on the safety of reusable food packaging during the COVID-19 pandemic; reviews recommendations from governments, calls for action from industry associations and civil society

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Concerns over EU’s ability to meet set recycling targets

European Court of Auditors reviews EU response to growing plastic waste and regulation enacted to address it; warns EU member states not to underestimate challenge of achieving 50% recycling rate by 2025; new reporting rules, restrictions on plastic waste exports set to lower current recycling rates

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Plastics Global Commitment progress report 2021

Finds global virgin plastic production for signatory brands and retailers has likely peaked; progress so far driven by recycling, but warns recycling is not the solution and elimination of single-use packaging urgently needed; separate reports find US polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle recycling rates decreasing and Australia not meeting plastic recycling targets

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Plastic recycling: company commitments and chemical safety challenges

Scientists report most large companies commit to reducing plastic pollution but focus on recycling; extrusion of recycled materials and legacy compounds in recycled materials as safety challenge; some substances increase others decrease with the increase in recycled content in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles; tentatively identify 212 volatile chemicals in 57 different recycled PET flakes available in China; present migration model to characterize the exposure and risk of PET oligomers