News Article

Industry survey on glass packaging and consumers

European Container Glass Federation (FEVE) reports results from recent survey on European consumers; finds increase in glass packaging purchases, decisions being driven increasingly by recyclability and environmental considerations

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Bulk food in supermarkets: growth and challenges

Article by Civil Eats discusses the rise of bulk food dispensers in grocery stores to reduce food packaging and challenges they face; presents initiatives from larger chains including re-use of customers’ containers; addresses food safety concerns, need for educating consumers

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Reusable food packaging and novel coronavirus

UPSTREAM encourages consumers to continue using reusable items with regular washing using soap, expects zero-waste efforts and bring-your-own container programs to further gain momentum after pandemic ends; expanded business models needed to promote sanitizing and reusing packaging

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Coronavirus detected on food packaging

Packaging of frozen food tested positive for coronavirus in Chinese cities; no evidence of new infections after large-scale testing campaign; experts consider risk of transmission via food and packaging to be low