Events 2019 Workshop

Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Accelerating science and innovation

About the 2019 Workshop The 2019 Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Workshop took place on October 24, 2019 under the theme «Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Accelerating science and innovation.» The event featured high profile speakers and offered an international platform for exchanging views and ideas with stakeholders across the field of food contact materials (FCMs). The FPF Workshop is a one-of-a-kind annual event in the field of FCMs to learn about recent developments in science, business, advocacy, […]

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Studies discuss EDC sources, exposure, and human health effects

Scientific studies investigate human endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) exposures and effects; Canadian study finds bisphenols migrate from baby bottles and sippy cups; reviews report of widespread presence of bisphenols, parabens, and benzophenones in human breast milk and addresses current misunderstandings about the impacts of EDCs on child health

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Spain passes comprehensive waste reduction regulation, eases the way for reuse

New Spanish waste law includes extensive waste reduction measures and targets across the entire supply chain; bans bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates in food packaging; mandates food providers offer tap water for free and accept reusable containers if customers bring them; 20% of floor space in large grocery stores must be for food without packaging; establishes extended producer responsibility scheme and bottle-to-bottle recycling program

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Chemical migration from silicone baking materials

European Consumer Organization (BEUC) finds that chemicals of concern migrate from silicone baking molds sold in Europe, including three siloxanes classified as SVHCs; 23% of 44 products tested release chemical constituents in high (>30 mg/kg) or increasing amounts over time; BEUC calls for stricter EU rules for silicone food contact materials