News Article

Gain weight because of endocrine disruption?

A study by scientists from the New York University’s School of Medicine published in September 2012 found elevated levels of a common food contact substance, bisphenol A (BPA), to be associated with a higher risk for being overweight in children and adolescents. The study used nationally representative data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study collected in 6 to 19 year old US inhabitants. The study’s design does not permit conclusions regarding causation, however biological plausible explanations of how BPA may cause overweight or obesity do exist, making the study relevant and highlighting the need for further research.

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Microplastics and human health: knowns and unknowns

Article published in Science lays out key knowledge gaps hindering human health risk assessments of microplastics, highlights lack of analytical tools to assess small microplastics and nanoplastics; estimated low exposure does not imply low risk

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Proposed Philippine bill targets single-use plastic waste

Manila Times editorial raises concerns about waste management in the Philippines and calls for policy discussions; discusses the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act, the Philippine Action Plan for Sustainable Consumption and Production, and the Extended Producer Responsibility Act; single-use plastics bill HB 507 stalling in the Philippine House of Representatives

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Nature Food study finds gaps in food system plastics research

Systematic scoping review assesses the research literature covering plastic’s effects on human health, the environment, and food security/economics through the entire food system from 2000 through 2018; includes over 3,300 studies; found majority of previous research focused on food security/economics; identified gaps related to studies on the effect of plastics on human health, meta-analyses, and research within low-income nations