News Article

Packaging: Food waste vs. plastic waste

C&EN presents the debate on the costs of food packaging made of flexible plastics and multilayered structures: Less food waste and economic benefits vs. more difficult recycling and negative environmental impacts

News Article

BPA in cans from ethnic stores

Center for Environmental Health provides information on BPA presence in coatings of cans sold in small ethnic stores in U.S.; finds BPA in coatings of over 90% of surveyed cans; calls for listing of these products in California’s Proposal65 database on BPA

News Article

2023 FPF Workshop: Goals and policy processes for safe and sustainable FCMs

On the morning of the Food Packaging Forum’s 11th annual workshop, speakers share processes to measure sustainable food packaging while accounting for multiple concerns; three speakers share findings from developing frameworks to make packaging safer, account for tradeoffs, and reduce plastic packaging use; three speakers share how policy is developed at the United Nations and European Union

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China revises regulation on new chemical substances

Government publishes final regulatory text, substance approval linked to persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic properties; identity of new substances to be made publicly available after maximum period of 5 years; comes into force on January 1, 2021