Events 2016 Workshop

Modern science to inform regulation of food contact materials in the circular economy

The 2016 annual Food Packaging Forum (FPF) workshop took a closer look at “Modern science to inform regulation of food contact materials in the circular economy.” Our fourth workshop followed the unique concept of previous FPF workshops in its cross-thematic, cross-stakeholder approach. We brought together experts from different perspectives and backgrounds—from academic scientist to business decision maker, from regulator to retailer, from consumer advocate to food manufacturer. FPF workshops are one of a kind, because we create the optimal environment for […]

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BPA still in food cans

Extensive analysis in the U.S. and Canada finds most food cans still coated with BPA-based epoxy; BPA-free alternatives may be questionable

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Efforts to track plastic flows in EU and Canada

EU Joint Research Centre (JRC) publishes improved model of plastic product flows and recycling in the EU; new model design is easy to update when new information becomes publicly available; Canada consulting on a draft plastic products registry to track plastic flows in the country

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China approves new and expanded usage of FCMs

Law firm Keller and Heckman publishes a summary of China’s recently approved uses of 19 materials and substances for food contact; includes three new food contact chemicals (FCCs), seven new resins, and expanded usage of nine other materials; three substances are in the Food Packaging Forum’s food contact chemicals database as either a priority hazardous substance or substance of potential concern