News Article

BPA still in food cans

Extensive analysis in the U.S. and Canada finds most food cans still coated with BPA-based epoxy; BPA-free alternatives may be questionable

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China approves new and expanded usage of FCMs

Law firm Keller and Heckman publishes a summary of China’s recently approved uses of 19 materials and substances for food contact; includes three new food contact chemicals (FCCs), seven new resins, and expanded usage of nine other materials; three substances are in the Food Packaging Forum’s food contact chemicals database as either a priority hazardous substance or substance of potential concern

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France to restrict sale of fruits and vegetables in plastic

France announces ban on sale of unprocessed fruits and vegetables packaged in plastic from January 1, 2022; will not apply to products over 1.5 kg, sensitive fruits, and vegetables; use of stickers on individual fruits and vegetables not allowed unless made from paper or compostable materials; rules to apply to all produce

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Efforts to track plastic flows in EU and Canada

EU Joint Research Centre (JRC) publishes improved model of plastic product flows and recycling in the EU; new model design is easy to update when new information becomes publicly available; Canada consulting on a draft plastic products registry to track plastic flows in the country

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China approves expanded usage for two FCMs

China sets new limits for 2 food contact materials; polyethylene can be added at 0.3% to polyoxymethylene (POM); carboxy styrene-butadiene latex can be added to pressure-sensitive adhesives used in indirect food contact