News Article

Review assesses 20 years of food safety research

Integrative review analyzes recent scientific advances in food and environmental safety; scientometric analysis reveals increasing multidisciplinary interest between 2001 and 2020; finds contaminants and environmentally friendly food packaging as emerging research topics in the field of food safety

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EFSA: Dietary exposure to BPA is unsafe

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes scientific opinion on bisphenol A (BPA); tolerable daily intake reduced by a factor of 20 000; concludes that there is a health concern from current dietary BPA exposure levels for entire population

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Produce stickers to extend shelf life

Food tech startup StixFresh develops solution for produce stickers that extends shelf life up to fourteen days; all ingredients generally recognized as safe in accordance with the U.S. FDA

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Combined evidence supports low-dose effects of BPA

Scientists integrate and interpret data from 8 of the 14 academic studies completed under the CLARITY-BPA project; link bisphenol A (BPA) exposure to impacts across multiple organs including brain, heart, prostate, mammary gland, ovaries; strengthen confidence in low-dose effects of BPA; co-authors to present results in webinar on July 21, 2020

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US State bans triclosan

Minnesota bans anti-bacterial chemical from most retail consumer hygiene products; triclosan also used in food packaging

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US EPA removes PFAS from Safer Choice Program

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) removes the last two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from the agency’s Safer Chemical Ingredients List; Safer Choice Program products to be PFAS-free by March 2023; issues letter to handlers of fluorinated polyolefin containers raising awareness for presence of unintended PFAS that may violate Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)