News Article

Discussing database on SVHCs in products

Manufacturers criticize ECHA’s proposal for database of SVHCs in products; recycling industry welcomes the idea but is concerned about lack of coverage for products already marketed; ECHA to hold a workshop on SVHC database on October 22-23, 2018

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Alternatives to perfluorinated chemicals

New study reviews environmental releases, persistence and exposure of perfluorinated chemical alternatives, looks at 20 fluorinated substances including eight used in FCMs

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TSCA reform signed into law

U.S. President Obama enacts bill reforming Toxic Substances Control Act; news providers and health group explain implications of updated U.S. chemicals regulation

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1.8 mio t of PET bottles recycled in 2015

Report commissioned by Petcore Europe reveals that 59% of all PET bottles placed on the European market were collected for recycling in 2015; report to be discussed at Petcore Europe 2017 conference