News Article

Chemical characterization of post-consumer and recycled plastics

Scientists perform target and non-target screening of recycled plastics and provide recommendations on methods; detect >280 organic chemicals and metals in 21 plastic flakes and pellets used in recycling; analyze several recycled polymers and find polyethylene terephthalate (PET) the only one currently complying with European circular economy requirements; compare analytical methods to assess the chemical composition of recyclates giving their strenghts and limitations

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Microplastic effects on colon cells, blood lymphocytes, and gut-liver axis

Two in vitro studies analyze plastic particle effects using human cells; find polystyrene (PS) particles change metabolism of human colon cells similar to a carcinogen; PS nanoplastics may have cytotoxic and genotoxic potential on human blood lymphocytes; mouse study indicates microplastics increase risk of insulin resistance; researchers calculate particle ingestion from takeaway containers

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Phthalates: 'Safe' levels may not be protective of human health

New peer-reviewed scientific study by the Food Packaging Forum and academic scientists shows regulatory ‘safe’ limits for human exposure to phthalates may be set at levels not sufficiently protective of human health; analysis reviews 38 human health studies; highlights need for revising current approach and to re-assess the safety of chemicals already on the market

News Article

Global plastic waste management and emissions

Using data from over 50,000 municipalities, with machine learning to fill gaps, global model estimates 52 million tons of plastic were released into unmanaged waste systems in 2020; report led by Arnika investigates effects of waste incineration on the environment and human health