Events Webinar

Non-monotonicity of BPA

Webinar features presentation from researchers at Tufts University discussing published study observing non-monotonic dose-responses in mammary gland development of rats from exposure to bisphenol A (BPA)

News Article

European Commission publishes bisphenol restriction proposal for FCMs

European Commission proposes ban on bisphenol A in food contact with a 36-month transition period for varnishes, coatings and professional production equipment, 18 months for most everything else; monitoring of unintentional BPA in recycled paper and board proposed to be left to business operators; submit comments until March 8, 2024

News Article

US FDA and EPA publish requests for information on PFAS

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asks for information on the use of fluorinated polyethylene for food contact and dietary exposure due to migration; US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seeks responses to specific questions to help form PFAS strategic action plan; FDA comment period open until October 18, 2022, and EPA period until August 29, 2022

News Article

Report advocates for improving chemical recycling LCAs

Rethink Plastic Alliance reviewing four commonly cited life cycle assessments (LCAs) on chemical recycling; report identifies undisclosed data, flawed assumptions, questionable accounting methods; suggests LCAs should not be used for public communication or as the basis for political decision making or investment decisions, should be improved to be “more independent,” “transparent,” “comprehensive”