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2-aminobenzamide migration from PET

Scientists analyze and model migration of acetaldehyde scavenger 2-aminobenzamide from PET bottles; suggest alternative accelerated test conditions

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FCM chemicals within EU assessment programs

Wide range of hazardous chemicals being evaluated across EU programs for industrial chemicals are also potentially used in food contact materials (FCM); analysis by the Food Packaging Forum reviews recently added chemicals, urges prioritizing known hazardous chemicals in FCMs

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EC’s roadmap on sustainable products initiative

European Commission (EC) opens public consultation on new sustainable products initiative; aims to expand scope of Ecodesign Directive across product types, create sustainability principles, requirements to link climate and environmental impacts to resource and energy use

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UN report addresses single-use plastics and LCA

Life Cycle Initiative led by UN Environment publishes synthesis report investigating impacts of single-use plastic products through life cycle assessment (LCA) approach; finds concept of ‘single-use’ more problematic than ‘plastic’; encourages countries to promote and incentivize replacing single-use products with reusable products; keep products at highest value in economy for as long as possible

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Nanoclay migration from FCM

Study investigates nanoclay migration from commercialized nanoclay-LDPE food bags; aluminum migrates in both dissolved and nanoparticle forms; also particles of assumed plastic origin found