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Substitution means innovation

New report by non-profit organization ChemSec shows that regulating and substituting hazardous chemicals promotes innovation, safer and better products, and overall economic benefits

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Long-term migration from PET

Scientists show that for PET bottles accelerated migration tests overestimate real long-term migration; suggest use of migrant- and polymer-specific diffusion parameters instead of default values

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Tenax film for migration experiments

Scientists develop Tenax film as a more convenient alternative to Tenax powder to be used as dry foods simulant in migration experiments; migration into film is lower than into powder, offers more realistic estimation of migration into food

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EFSA evaluates Gneuss recycling for PET

EFSA’s CEF Panel considers PET made from Gneuss recycling processes safe for use in food contact articles intended ‘for long-term storage at room temperature with all types of food stuffs’; trays made of this recycled PET not to be used in microwave or conventional oven

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Study: migration into dry foods higher than US FDA assumption

Comprehensive literature review in the journal Food Additives and Contaminants investigates substance migration into dry foods and food simulants; review analyses: foods off store shelves, foods and food simulants in experimental settings, food particle characteristics, and packaging material; finds migration commonly exceeds 50 µg/kg assumed migration rate of dry foods according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

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ExeMPLaR webinar series on plastics

University of Exeter research hub to host monthly webinars focusing on aspects within Regional Plastics project; first webinar takes place October 8, 2019; all events to be recorded and made available to registered members