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India plans ban on single-use plastic items

Government authority publishes draft ban set to come into force in three phases; would ban import, manufacture, and sale of plastic candy and ice cream sticks after January 1, 2022; expands ban to include plates, cups, cutlery, trays, certain wrapping films after July 1, 2022; proposal open for public comment until May 2021

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US lawmakers introduce new bill to ban PFAS in food packaging

Keep Food Containers Safe from PFAS act would disallow the sale of any food packaging intentionally containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) beginning on January 1, 2024; this most recent attempt by US lawmakers to address PFAS on a national level would now need to be approved by both the US House and Senate chambers

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California creates 4-year microplastics strategy

California Ocean Protection Council (COPC) publishes unanimously-approved roadmap for state microplastics policy; includes 22 possible immediate actions to limit microplastics based on current knowledge and a 13-point research strategy to inform later actions; German government publishes report on the state of knowledge of microplastics pollution and options for action

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FPF comments on EU BPA restriction

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) submits comments to the European Commission on the restriction of bisphenol A in food contact materials; supports the proposed regulation; advocates for shorter transition periods, broader coverage, and development of more advanced detection methods

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MERCOSUR publishes draft silicone FCM regulation

South American trade bloc MERCOSUR is updating its standards for silicone food contact materials; includes positive lists and specific migration limits for metal salts; stakeholders can comment on the draft until May 12, 2023; Argentina and Uruguay have already notified the World Trade Organization of impending changes