News Article

Bisphenol A in bottles and children’s cups from less regulated markets

International Pollution Elimination Network (IPEN) finds 60% of sampled “BPA-free” plastic bottles and children’s cups from 8 countries contain bisphenol A (BPA); test 98 containers (23 “BPA-free”) from local markets in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania; Sri Lanka’s Environment Ministry says it will investigate

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Bill to require US FDA to reexamine chemicals used in food

Representative Jan Schakowsky introduces Food Chemical Reassessment Act of 2021 to the United States House of Representatives; the bill would require the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regularly review the chemicals used in foods, particularly those approved through the generally recognized as safe (GRAS) rule; would establish an Office of Food Safety Reassessment and reestablish a food advisory committee

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EC proposes revisions to packaging and waste legislation

European Commission (EC) publishes proposal to revise the EU legislation on packaging and packaging waste; includes mandatory targets for waste reduction, re-use, and minimum recycled content in plastic packaging; based on three problems identified by an impact assessment: growing packaging waste generation, barriers to packaging recycling and re-use, and low recycling quality in plastic packaging