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ACC launches pro-BPA campaign

American Chemistry Council campaigns to highlight conclusions of governmental bodies on BPA safety to consumers and manufacturers

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Definition and criteria for PSLT substances

Published report presents workshop outcomes; participants agree on definition for poorly soluble low toxicity (PSLT) particles, including titanium dioxide (TiO2); authors call for regulators to reassess current guidelines

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Dutch Plastic Pact publishes baseline data

Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) releases first progress report towards 2025 goals; provides data from 27 signatories on recycling potential and use of recycled plastics to serve as baseline; data still lacking on reuse, sorting, and quantity of hazardous substances in plastics

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New and expanded UP Scorecard version released

Single-Use Material Decelerator (SUM’D) releases new version of food packaging assessment tool UP Scorecard; featuring expanded regionalization capabilities including Europe, functionality to add new customized containers, a simplified scoring system, and a streamlined presentation of results