News Article

Scientists request US EPA to ban PFAS as a class

Group of 67 scientists send letter to new US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan, requesting class-based ban on all per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) except for essential uses; argue this would provide efficient process to greatly reduce exposure, further recommend EPA to require toxicity testing of widely present PFAS

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Spain passes comprehensive waste reduction regulation, eases the way for reuse

New Spanish waste law includes extensive waste reduction measures and targets across the entire supply chain; bans bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates in food packaging; mandates food providers offer tap water for free and accept reusable containers if customers bring them; 20% of floor space in large grocery stores must be for food without packaging; establishes extended producer responsibility scheme and bottle-to-bottle recycling program

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Webinar on updated TSCA inventory

U.S. EPA updates Toxic Substances Control Act inventory, flags over 45 thousand chemicals set to be labeled as not anymore in commerce; webinar on March 15 to explain notification process for manufactures and importers

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European investors sign letter for a strong PPWR

European investors call for stronger Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR); advocate for robust regulations for a sustainable future; strong regulation can increase confidence and reduce financial risks

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BfR publishes EU Food Safety Almanac

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) publishes 5th edition of almanac; includes all the institutions in each EU Member State and ten neighboring countries responsible for food and feed safety, including packaging; provides diagram of institutional relationships and explains responsibilities of each institution

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EU Council adopts single-use plastic bans

European Council formally adopts new rules on single-use plastics and recycling targets; directive completes final step before becoming law; England to ban plastic straws, stirrers, and cotton buds from April 2020