News Article

PFAS in breast milk

Study shows that breast milk is major source of exposure to perfluorinated chemicals for infants; researchers express concern but do not discourage breastfeeding

News Article

New FPF dossier: Microplastics

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) publishes background article and dossier informing about microplastics; discusses sources, analytical approaches, health hazards, and risk assessment

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PFAS alternatives have incomplete hazard profiles, says OECD

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reports replacements for long-chain PFAS in paper and board food packaging have little or no available hazard information; examines 58 long-chain PFAS replacements: 10 have been formally reviewed by governmental authorities, 26 by industry, 18 have no hazard assessments; Environmental Health News reports US states to consider over 200 PFAS bills in 2022