News Article

As You Sow: Investments in plastics may become stranded assets

Civil society organization As You Sow releases report investigating financial risks of shifting investments from fossil fuels to petrochemical sector, including plastics; finds $400 billion at risk of becoming stranded assets, relies on rising demand in low-income countries; neglects climate impacts, plastic pollution, circular economy goals; advises investors to re-evaluate risks and take action

News Article

FPF comments on US EPA draft plastics strategy

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) submits comment to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the draft national strategy to prevent plastic pollution; FPF highlights aspects of food packaging and chemical safety for EPA to consider; primarily (i) how the EPA may be able to support reuse, (ii) encouraging ratification of the Basel Convention; (iii) clarifying “compostable” and “inert”; strategy comment period extended to July 31, 2023

News Article

Scientists propose and apply NIAS identification approaches

Review provides guidance to select analytical technique for non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) identification and quantification in food contact materials (FCMs); scientific studies analyze NIAS migrating from FCMs; develop model to predict collision cross-section values to identify NIAS in FCMs; detect polyethylene terephthalate (PET) oligomers in post-mortem blood samples

News Article

Why is the global plastics treaty necessary?

Minderoo Foundation scientists publish commentary; to be successful the treaty needs to include a global plastic production cap, limits on single-use plastic production, extended producer responsibility scheme, ban on plastic combustion, and disclosure of all plastic chemicals

Events 2020 Workshop

Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Linking policy-making with scientific research

The 2020 Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Workshop took place virtually on October 21-23, 2020 under the theme “Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Linking policy-making with scientific research.” The event featured a range of high profile speakers from different areas of expertise who provided insights into the latest science and policy-making within the field, as well as discussed how these two sides could better interface with one another. The interactive event brought together over 200 registered participants, offering […]