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Washington State regulating chemicals of concern in food packaging

US state of Washington Department of Ecology publishes reports on phenolic compounds (e.g. bisphenols) and PFAS in certain food packaging types triggering countdown until new restrictions; phenolic compounds in drink can coatings to be restricted beginning June 2023; PFAS to be banned in bags and sleeves, bowls, flat serviceware, open-top containers, and closed containers by May 2024

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Colorado bans PFAS, establishes EPR scheme for packaging

Governor Jared Polis of the US state of Colorado signs bills regulating food packaging; House Bill 22-1355 establishes an extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme for packaging and printed paper; House Bill 22-1345 bans PFAS in eight product categories including food packaging by January 1, 2024

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Microplastic effects on colon cells, blood lymphocytes, and gut-liver axis

Two in vitro studies analyze plastic particle effects using human cells; find polystyrene (PS) particles change metabolism of human colon cells similar to a carcinogen; PS nanoplastics may have cytotoxic and genotoxic potential on human blood lymphocytes; mouse study indicates microplastics increase risk of insulin resistance; researchers calculate particle ingestion from takeaway containers

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New enzyme system for faster PET degradation

Researchers announce creation of enzyme technology allowing to degrade polyethylene terephthalate plastics at room temperature in a laboratory setting; industrial scale up foreseen as possible within several years