News Article

Migration from bamboo-containing plastic FCMs

Scientists detect dozens of volatile and non-volatile substances migrating from ‘bamboo’ food packaging; melamine migration exceeding specific migration limit; conclude bamboo-melamine articles ‘a risk to consumer’s health,’ their promotion as biodegradable ‘a fraud to consumers’

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Carcinogenic potential of BPA

Scientists review carcinogenic properties of bisphenol A; propose that BPA be classified as ‘probably carcinogenic to humans’ due to its tumor promoting properties in the breast and prostate

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DG Sante webinar on BPA restriction in food contact

Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG Sante) explains the ban of bisphenol A in food contact materials in the EU and discusses what comes next; ban will only affect “intentional use”; comes into force late 2025 or early 2026

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ECHA conference and Helsinki Chemicals Forum

European Chemicals Agency hosts conference on current priorities for chemical regulations in the EU; annual international forum hosts multi-stakeholder discussions on risk management options, chemical grouping, plastics and circularity, and access to data

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Study finds EU guidance could help identify other EDCs

Scientists from Danish Technical University (DTU) assess butylparaben according to EU guidance for assessment of pesticides; find that approach positively identifies butylparaben as endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) even with different data availability; suggest guidance could be applied to wide range of chemicals to identify other EDCs

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Guide for retailers on implementing safer chemicals and materials

Clean Production Action publishes guide to help retailers create chemicals strategies, ensure use of safer chemicals and materials; outlines key steps to establish inventories with brands and suppliers, measure chemical footprint, publicly disclose policies and progress