News Article

Uptake of microplastics on the rise – especially in Southeast Asia

Recent studies explore uptake pathways of microplastics; uptake has increased in recent years; rapidly industrializing Southeast Asian countries more impacted; food packaging responsible for approx. 2.98 × 103 microplastics/person/year; higher exposure for regular consumers of bottled water, tea brewed from plastic tea bags, or ultrafiltered milk

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EFSA prioritizes substances for setting SMLs

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) panel publishes scientific opinion prioritizing 451 substances for creation of specific migration limits (SMLs) for plastic food contact materials; the 3 identified high priority substances are salicylic acid, styrene, and vinyl laurate

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NIAS in laminated bioplastics

Study investigates composition of biodegradable adhesive and chemical migration from bioplastics laminates, identifies several NIAS, shows importance for migration testing of finished material

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EFSA calls for information on FCM No. 19 and 20

European Food Safety Authority requests technical and toxicological information on two amines approved as additives in plastic food contact materials (FCMs) to review and potentially update initial assessments; declaration of intent to submit information required by January 20, 2020

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RIVM studies argue applied maximum doses too low

Researchers from Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) publish two peer-reviewed articles critically reviewing determination and application of maximum doses in toxicity studies; find that recent toxicity studies increasingly using unjustified low maximum doses, call for more clarity in testing guidelines

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Microplastics: recent insights into human exposure, cellular uptake, cancer metastasis

Researchers report plastic fragments may exacerbate breast cancer metastasis; review summarizes nanoplastic uptake into human cells; studies find occupational microplastics exposure can be reduced by wearing face masks; millions of micro- and nanoplastics are released during 30-second food blending; scientists more worried about microplastic impacts on the environment than humans

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Japan releases revised positive list for FCMs

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare publishes revised version of positive list for food contact materials (FCMs); includes additional base polymer resins, monomers, additives; to be enforced from June 1, 2020 with five-year transition period for existing products