News Article

Outcomes and recommendations from EFSA’s ONE Conference

Published journal article and conference report from European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) conference in June 2022 summarize main outcomes and recommendations; includes investing to keep up with new science, capitalizing on data, future preparedness, and applying one health approach in future decision making

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FPF submits feedback on packaging and packaging waste regulation

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) responds to European Commission’s call for feedback on the proposed packaging and packaging waste regulation (PPWR); FPF highlights aspects of food packaging and chemical safety that should be included in future versions; primarily (i) considering presence of hazardous chemicals in packaging materials meant to be recycled or reused, (ii) clearly defining compostable packaging and guaranteeing safety, and (iii) defining inertness

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EU Court: GenX chemicals rightfully labelled as SVHCs

European Court of Justice confirms the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is correct to classify a group of GenX chemicals as substances of very high concern (SVHC); chemical company Chemours has two months to consider appealing the verdict

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Scientists present computer-based approach for designing safer chemicals

Dutch researchers introduce workflow to select chemicals for redesign and develop safer and more sustainable alternatives in a systematic, computer-aided way; illustrate and apply approach to identify and synthesize alternative to flame retardant with reduced persistency; emphasize need to improve knowledge and prediction on chemicals’ biodegradability

News Article

Study investigates pace of bioplastic innovation

Clarivate report finds bioplastics still in early developmental stage, volume of filed patents increasing at same rate as other sectors; research focus being placed on improving mechanical properties to compete with petrochemical-based plastics