News Article

FPF celebrates a decade committed to food packaging safety

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) celebrates ten years of independent research on food packaging, chemicals, and health to help guide evidence-based dialogue across all levels of the food and packaging supply chain; FPF remains committed to reviewing and communicating complex scientific information with the aim of safeguarding human health and the environment into its next decade

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Substitution analysis for plastic packaging

Life cycle assessment study commissioned by American Chemistry Council finds packaging plastics to have more favorable environmental profile than alternatives made of glass, metal, paper, textile, wood

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We Choose Reuse campaign publishes open letter

Break Free from Plastic announces open letter as part of ‘We Choose Reuse’ campaign, demands strong political action to set up successful reuse systems; highlights current challenges such high investment and operating costs; will be delivered to officials on June 16, 2021

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India updating ionomer resin standard

Bureau of Indian Standards publishes draft update to standard for ionomer resins in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, and drinking water; accepting comments on the proposal until December 6, 2022