News Article

BfR recommends lowering EU limits on heavy metals

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) publishes position statement on specific migration limits for lead, cadmium, and cobalt from ceramic food contact materials; derives recommended limits up to 400 times lower than values allowed by current directive

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Washington State regulating chemicals of concern in food packaging

US state of Washington Department of Ecology publishes reports on phenolic compounds (e.g. bisphenols) and PFAS in certain food packaging types triggering countdown until new restrictions; phenolic compounds in drink can coatings to be restricted beginning June 2023; PFAS to be banned in bags and sleeves, bowls, flat serviceware, open-top containers, and closed containers by May 2024

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PFAS testing prompts packaging changes from US retailers, restaurants

Consumer Reports tests 118 food packaging products from 24 US fast food and grocery chains; finds PFAS in over half of the products; nearly one third of packaging products contain over 20 ppm and 22 over 100 ppm organic fluorine; several brands commit or re-commit to removing intentionally added PFAS from their packaging

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Colorado bans PFAS, establishes EPR scheme for packaging

Governor Jared Polis of the US state of Colorado signs bills regulating food packaging; House Bill 22-1355 establishes an extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme for packaging and printed paper; House Bill 22-1345 bans PFAS in eight product categories including food packaging by January 1, 2024