Events 2018 Workshop

Predicting the safety of food contact articles: New science and digital opportunities

The 2018 annual Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Workshop featured high profile speakers and offered an ideal platform for exchanging views with different stakeholders in the field of food contact materials (FCMs). The FPF Workshop is a one-of-a-kind event in the FCMs world to learn about recent developments in science, business, advocacy, and regulation. As in previous years, the 6th edition of the FPF Workshop also presented an excellent opportunity for networking. If you have any questions regarding the FPF Workshop, […]

News Article

FPF comments on EFSA’s non-monotonic dose response opinion

Scientific Committee’s Scientific Opinion fails to deliver on European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) commitment to scientific excellence and transparency; Food Packaging Forum (FPF) sends open letter to EFSA’s leadership urging them to address severe shortcomings in content and process; adequate scientific appraisal of non-monotonic dose response (NMDR) is critical for chemical risk assessment that protects public health

News Article

Another step towards a UN plastics treaty

Peru and Rwanda introduce a draft resolution to negotiate a global plastic pollution treaty at the inaugural United Nations Ministerial Conference on marine litter and plastic pollution; 33 countries sign on as co-sponsors; more than 80 other nations support a UN resolution on plastics

News Article

Microplastics and human health: knowns and unknowns

Article published in Science lays out key knowledge gaps hindering human health risk assessments of microplastics, highlights lack of analytical tools to assess small microplastics and nanoplastics; estimated low exposure does not imply low risk

News Article

New FPF study and database: Food contact chemicals in humans

New research from the Food Packaging Forum looks at food contact chemicals (FCCs) that have been detected in humans; compares known FCCs with human biomonitoring programs, metabolome/exposome databases and the scientific literature; 3,601 FCCs have evidence of presence in humans, including chemicals with hazardous properties; comes with interactive dashboard to browse all data

News Article

How the Scientists’ Coalition brings independent science to policymakers

A perspective article explains why the Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastic Treaty was formed and how it works; the Scientists’ Coalition employs a multi-faceted communication approach including a media strategy to reach all relevant stakeholders; member scientists must declare any conflicts of interests and publish peer-reviewed research related to plastic pollution

Events 2013 Workshop

Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) for risk assessment of food contact material chemicals

The Threshold of Toxicological Concern, short TTC, is a concept for assessing the risk of single chemical exposure to human health. It establishes generic exposure thresholds based on chemical structure below which chemicals are assumed to be safely used. In the absence of toxicological data, regulators, academic scientists and industry experts are using the TTC to perform chemical risk assessments. On October 17, 2013 the Food Packaging Forum held a workshop offering a platform for balanced information and scientific debate […]