On September 19, 2014 the Swiss newspaper 20 Minuten published an article arguing that beer in aluminum cans is more environmentally friendly that one-way glass bottles. The article reports on a study carried out by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU), which compared the environmental impact of several packaging types. The study concludes that polyterphthalate (PET) bottles have the least impact on the environment followed by refillable glass bottles and aluminum cans. One-way glass bottles have the biggest environmental impact according to the study. The study did not address the public health risks of chemical migration from beer packaging.

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Samuel Schäfli (September 19, 2014). “Bier in Aludose ist grüner als in der Einwegflasche.(in German).

BAFU (September 10, 2014). “Getränkeverpackungen aus ökologischer Sicht gut und geeignet.(in German).