On September 10, 2024, Japanese authorities published revisions to the specifications and standards for apparatus, containers, and packaging (ACP). These updates include changes to testing methods for materials used in food contact and were made by the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) 

One of the primary revisions is the establishment of a standardized overall migration test, to measure the total amount of substances that could migrate from packaging materials into food simulants. As part of the revision, certain older test methods and specifications will be removed from the standards document. These changes will come into effect sometime in 2025. 

In a separate announcement from September 9, 2024, Japanese ministries proposed a ban on 138 perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)-related substances, as reported by Chemical Watch. These chemicals will be classified as class I compounds which are characterized as persistent, bioaccumulative, and with long-term effects on human health (FPF reported).  

Once classified as class I, the manufacture and import of these substances, as well as certain products containing them, will be prohibited. PFOA-related compounds can be used in food packaging and non-stick cookware, among other applications. Public consultation on the proposal will run until October 9, 2024, with the ban scheduled to take effect on January 10, 2025. 



Lam Lye Ching (September 17, 2024) “Japan proposes to ban 138 PFOA-related compounds.Chemical Watch news & insight. 

Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) “Revision of the specifications and standards for apparatus, containers, and packaging under the Food Sanitation Act.